About Us
The Centre for Social Concern (CfSC) is a faith-based organisation founded in 2002 as a project of the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers). The Missionaries of Africa have been in Malawi since the early 20th century and have different pastoral programmes within Malawi and across the African Continent. The CfSC subscribes to the White Fathers’ objective of promoting a just society and dialogue with the people of other faiths and cultures.
The organisation applies the Gospel values and principles of the Catholic Social Teaching (CST) through publications, workshops and training programmes.
The primary target of the Centre is the Church itself and the faith communities at large. Beyond these primary target groups, the activities of the Centre also target directly or indirectly other groups like, public policy makers, legislators, structures of social justice, relevant international bodies connected to the issues of social and economic justice and CfSC’s like-minded organisations that are critical in the field of lobbying, advocacy, dialogue justice and peace.
1. Preferential Option for the Poor:
We believe that the poor, the less privileged and the vulnerable members of our society must have the most urgent moral claim on the conscience of the nation. We, therefore, work in solidarity with them to ensure that they are empowered to demand the realisation of their own rights.
2. Integrity:
We carry out our activities in an honest and truthful manner with highest
ethical standards; taking all reasonable measures to prevent willful wrongdoing and to ensure compliance with and respect for the code of conduct of the CfSC.
3. Transparency and Accountability:
We make our decision-making processes and actions clear and known to all our stakeholders, partners and constituents. We are accountable not only to those who finance us but also to those on whose behalf we work.
4. Teamwork:
We value the contribution of each member of the CfSC, fully aware of the
importance for internal coherence, collaboration and harmony while at the same time providing room for innovation, creativity and personal professional growth.
5. Subsidiarity:
We believe that human affairs are best handled at the lowest possible level, closest to the affected persons.
6. Common Good:
We believe that the good of each human person is intimately related to the good of the whole community and we work towards preserving this common good.