Economic Justice

This programme looks at the national as well as international contributing factors of the persistent poverty in Malawi. It examines the international trade relations and imbalances and how they impact on the cost of living. It monitors the spending of funds freed through debt cancellation, loans and other foreign aids. It also promotes tax justice through studying the present tax system and proposing a more equitable way, where the stronger shoulders carry the bigger burden. The issue of responsibility and accountability remains to be part of the pillar of Economic Justice Programme of CfSC.

The 2018 National Statistical office report revealed that over 9 million Malawians live below poverty line standard which is less than one United States Dollar a day. Centre for Social Concern (CfSC) believes that the overall persistent high level of poverty is more of the consequence on how resources are organized and distributed other than the availability of those resources. Inequality and lack of active citizenship in Malawi remains pronounced.

To reduce high levels of poverty and inequality CfSC through its Economic Justice Programme, facilitates through research and advocacy, the establishment of policies, strategies and market systems which ensure equitable distribution of resources for Malawians especially the poor. This pillar focuses on Public Finance Management, Good Governance, Fair Taxation, Development and Implementation of pro-poor Policies, Public Debt Management, Market Systems and Civic Engagements, among others.