In line with its current strategic plan, Centre for Social Concern (CfSC) is substantiated for its Research-based facts, Advocacy and the Promotion of Peaceful Co-existence among People of different Faiths and Backgrounds. As a faith-based organisation, the nexus between Mission and Justice and Peace, Mission and Dialogue, Mission and the Integrity of Creation, Mission and Critical Thinking, is the kernel of its functionality guided by the Social Teaching of the Church (STC). The concern and compassion for the poor and empowering them are at the heart of CfSC’s prophetic mission.
The 2021 report that was launched on the 16th of August 2022 at CfSC premises highlighted the milestones achieved in line with its present Strategic Plan (SP) for 2020-2024. The launch was organised with the following objectives: to present the organisation’s activities as well as share its success stories.
The launch drew participants from Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), Board Members, government Ministries, donor partners and members of the press. Mr. Misheck Munthali, the Director of Teacher Education and Development (DTED) from the Ministry of Education, graced the launch/opening of Kalilombe Library Section and the 2021 CfSC Annual Report. The guest of honour, Mr. Misheck Munthali, in his remarks, commended the Centre for Social Concern for contributing to quality education in Malawi through the provision of library services.
In his opening remarks, the Director of the Centre for Social Concern, Fr. Dr. James Ngahy highlighted some of the key achievements of the organisation for the reported year 2021. The contribution of the Centre for Social Concern to the provision of quality Education was also expounded in its totality. He also appreciated the support from various donor partners.
The Provincial of Missionaries of Africa who is also the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the Centre for Social Concern, Fr. Christian Mulenga, applauded the teamwork at Centre for Social Concern which enabled the realisation of the achievements documented in the report. The other speakers were the former Director of the Centre for Social Concern, Fr. Jos Kuppens and the representatives of the Library Beneficiaries.
The 2021 Annual Report and the Kalilombe Library Section were launched by the Director of Teacher Education and Development (DTED) from the Ministry of Education and Provincial of the Missionaries of Africa.
By: Mr. Bernard Mphepo (Economic Justice Programme Officer)